Safeguarding and Protecting Children Mini Statement
The welfare of children and venerable adults within Aikido is paramount and Airenjuku Aikido Clubs are committed to ensuring the correct policies are adhered to within the activity. The Safeguarding Policies of Airenjuku Aikido Clubs respective governing organisations contain the key principles and procedures which must be adhered to by all clubs in teaching the martial art to ensure that young people in the activity can be healthy and happy, and allow them to enjoy and develop in the martial art of Aikido.
The Airenjuku Aikido Club Safeguarding Officer will support all affiliated associations to ensure that best practice is followed at all times and is working along the respective governing bodies and become familiar with information, advice and guidance from stakeholder organisations such as the NSPCC and Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) the club will produce the appropriate procedures to support its commitment to Safeguarding.
As members of The Joint Aikikai Council, The United Kingdom Aikikai & Te Shin Kai and The British Aikido Board, Airenjuku Aikido Clubs will follow and adhere to the Safeguarding policies and procedures of their respective governing organisations.
For more information on the full policies and procedures that Airenjuku Aikido Clubs will adhere to please see the below links.
For Airenjuku Te Shin Kai: